
Please read this disclaimer carefully. By using the Website, you agree to the terms set out in this Disclaimer. If you do not agree with any aspect of this Disclaimer, do not use the website. These terms may be updated from time to time.

The information contained on the Website has been developed by or sourced from Inherited Cancers Australia or our ‘partner’ organisations. Anyone viewing the website must make their own assessment as to whether it is appropriate, in the light of their own individual circumstances, to consider and act upon the relevant information.

Use of the term ‘partner’ in the context of explaining our business relationship with third-party supply and support organisations does not infer a legal partnership between Inherited Cancers Australia and the so-named organisation. The term ‘partner’ is used only to explain the objective nature of our business relationship with these organisations.

Limited warranties and liabilities

You should make your own enquiries about the nature of the services described on the website and their suitability for your use.

Inherited Cancers Australia makes no representations or warranties about the suitability, accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information and materials contained on the website for any purpose whatsoever, nor does Inherited Cancers Australia represent or warrant that information contained on this website is free from any error or omission. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Inherited Cancers Australia otherwise disclaims all warranties with regard to the information contained on the website, including any implied warranties as to fitness for use or merchantability.

Inherited Cancers Australia and its respective directors, officers, employees, shareholders, agents and consultants are in no way liable to you, or to any third party, for any loss or damage whatsoever (including special, indirect or consequential damages) resulting from the use of the website (such as any interference with or damage to your computer system, software or data) or information made available on the Website.

Third party websites

The Website may contain links to other websites that are not operated or controlled by us. Those links are provided for convenience only and may not be current. We take reasonable care in selecting other websites but accept no responsibility for the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information contained in linked external websites.

Links to external websites should not be taken as an endorsement or a recommendation of any third-party products or services offered by virtue of any information, material or content linked from or to this site. We are not responsible for the content of third-party websites and users access this website at their own risk.


Unless otherwise stated, the Website and all information and materials on or contained with the Website (including text, graphics, images, logos, icons and any other materials), including all intellectual property rights that subsist in such information and materials, are owned by us or our licensors.

We are happy for you to reproduce this material for personal and non-commercial purposes, or purposes permitted by law, provided any reproduction is unaltered, shows the date of first publication and an attribution of source is included. If you wish to make any other use of this material, you must have our prior written permission. Requests for permission should be directed to us at info@inheritedcancers.org.au.

No medical advice

The information on the site should not be considered medical advice, it is provided for information purposes only, it is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional and must not be relied on as medical advice. Inherited Cancers Australia does not answer specific medical questions and is not liable to you or any third party in connection with any decision an individual makes relating to their health.

The online support groups provide a place for increased-risk people to connect and provide peer support. They in no way provide medical information and should not replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. Inherited Cancers Australia asks each person who joins the group to read the guidelines to ensure they are away this is a place where people share information and connect, it is never to replace or provide medical advice.

The Ask a Genetic Testing Program can only provide general information and specific individual medical advice will not be provided.


We will collect and handle personal information about you in accordance with our Privacy Policy which can be found here.

Contact details

If you have any questions about this Disclaimer or the Website, please contact us at info@inheritedcancers.org.au.